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Humans are caught up in a delicate situation, since we have no stable reality that we can or must adapt to; there is no true form (or real possibility) for us to realize. Humans are decentered, simultaneously in real and virtual space. Therefore, our perception of images putting the real in imaginary, virtual space. The limits of this psychic space consist of the real and the full-blown virtual. Conditioned as it is by high technology, the Monolith project is closely linked to communication, information, space, and biotechnological sciences. While on the other hand, involving a broad spectrum of investigative artistic practices. Participants are incorporated with the Monolith. When confronting with its presence we are asked about ourselves, of our own origin and where evolution is adding our appearance in a near future. Project is referring to the relationship amongst human, screen and virtual world. It’s presenting digital technology as an invasion that has changed our culture, existence and perception of the world. When the participant comes into the area of the Monolith his or her image is absorbed and transformed into the digital entity, floating into the next evolution step. Evolution is not only physical form, but transformation of consciousness and humanity as well.

Masa Jasbec