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The abstract and infinite as a catalyst for change in the culture of habitation

The abstract and infinite as a catalyst for change in the culture of habitation. The movie addresses the challenge of inciting people to live in denser cities and communities, in order to lower the ecological impact of transportation and large living spaces, and create a sustainable future for human habitats. The movie is based in the fundamental need for access to infinity. A house with a view of the sea, hence an infinite horizon. An infinite social network. Infinite cultural and consumer options. Accepting the complexity of this challenge, a solution is sought in the abstract. The film visualizes access to infinity in the context of the city. Through the access is an attraction and a consciousness which serves as a base for a dense and sustainable city. An irresistible and inspiring city, that nobody wants to leave. Our vision is to create an image of this ambitions city-scape: The dense city with an access to infinity. The abstract as contrast to the reality of the city. The undefined and infinite as it can be only in a city: Cultural, scientific, social and physical.

Rasmussen Thor & Mylleager Stefan