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Padilla Villarraga Carolina

Colombian, born in Bogota in 1976. She studied graphic design at the University of Bogota Jorge Tadeo Lozano, where she obtained her degree in November 1999. Over the next two years, she worked in graphic design for a diverse range of companies in different sectors. In 2001, she moved to Barcelona where she began her studies in Electronic Art and Digital Design at the School of Design (ESDi). Presently, in her studies, she is specializing in electronic art in the area of video creation. While living in Spain she has focused on the areas of video installation and video creation, developing various group projects, of which the most important are the video creation MANDO (2003), presented in Vitoria Territorio Visual – VTV 19th Audiovisual Festival – Montehermoso Cultural Centre 2004 and The Art Production Centre “La Nau”, Sabadell Museum of Art, Barcelona, Spain 2003; BOGOTACIUTAT presented in the Art Production Centre “La Nau”, Sabadell Museum of Art, Barcelona – Spain 2003, in “Perfiles: el lugar de una idea”, video creation exhibition – Parque Espana Cultural Centre, Rosario – Argentina 2003 and Vitoria Visual Territory – VTV 19th Audiovisual Festival Montehermoso Cultural Centre 2004 ; FRONTLINE Presented in Vitoria Territorio Visual – VTV 19th Audiovisual Festival Montehermoso Cultural Centre 2004 and the Iberoamericano first prize for video creation at the Casa de America – Contemporary Art Centre of Castilla y Leon, Madrid – Spain 2004. Installation work includes: IDADES (A realtime multilocal and multiuser instalation) Barcelona, Spain 2004 – 2005.